Jenny Corbett, Doula in DC, smiling outside

Jenny Corbett

I am a birth doula in DC and Silver Spring, but I didn’t start out that way! I am an actor and singer by training. I have been living in the DC area since 2001. In 2003, I began working as a company member of The Capitol Steps political satire group. I have done freelance theatre work, and taught music, drama, and yoga to children. I love the arts and believe in the power of the arts to enrich and elevate life to a new level. It was my first love and my passion for as long as I can remember…and then I gave birth.

And nothing was the same...

I still love the theatre. I still love to sing and make people laugh, but is doesn’t light the fire under me that it used to. The birth of my first child, Lucy, at home in September of 2009 ignited a passion in me for birth and babies. I thought this obsession would fade as my own childbearing time came to a close, however, after my son Malcolm was born in 2011, I realized my passion for birth was a calling I need to follow.

The midwives that attended my first two births gave me a wonderful gift. Two beautiful, peaceful home births and a bottomless well of confidence in the power of my own body. I was lucky enough to have a third birth with these amazing women in January of 2016. The fact that I had worked side by side with them as members of the same birth team during my years as a doula made the experience even more joyful the third time around! These empowering births left me with a deep desire to “pay it forward” by serving women who desire to have their voices heard as they give birth.

Doula in DC Rose Quintilian smiling outside

Rose Quintilian

I’m a birth doula in the DC metro area but I didn’t start out that way either! I was a full-time mom, having given birth at a birth center with my first and planning a home birth with my second. Well, things didn’t exactly go as planned, and I ended up transferring to Shady Grove Adventist Hospital (I live 4 minutes away!) for a Cesarean birth.

And nothing was the same...

It was a difficult adjustment for me, and I had a lot of emotions to work through. I placed a lot of guilt on myself as my son was in a breech presentation, and I felt it was my fault he was born through cesearean. While working through my healing, I learned a lot about birth and a friend recommended I become a Hypnobabies® Instructor, since I had used it with great success. When my son was a year old, I became certified as an HCHI, and one year after that I began working as a birth doula.

My greatest passion as an educator and doula is to have families walk away from their birth with a sense of empowerment. I want them to be educated, and know that even if their birth plans alter in the birth room, they are making the best choices for their family.

In recognition of the profound disparities

in birth outcomes between white and BIPOC birthing people, and in an effort to prioritize racial equity in birth, Silver Spring Doula donates a portion of each of their birth client fees to DC/MD/VA local Black birth organizations such as Mamatoto Village and B.I.R.T.H Equity Maryland.

All are welcome here.

Silver Spring Doula and My Gentle Birth, LLC are woman-owned and proud to serve the LGBTQIA+ community.